Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Garden Report

My spring/summer attempts at vegetable gardening failed. I'm not entirely sure what went wrong, but the bean plants died, then the cucumbers did. Most of the carrots never germinated at all, and the ones that did never plumped out.
In fact, this is the entire harvest:

The basil plant held on, but the leaves are really narrow and the stems are woody, not at all like the basil plants I see in other gardens.
But that's ok. I'm going to try again. Thus, I present to you, my fall garden!
I used CMU blocks to create a raised bed, and I'm also using the openings in the blocks to plant. I'm using seeds instead of transplants this time, too.

So far, we're off to a good start. I've got several cucumber plants that have started (remember, I live in Las Vegas, it doesn't get cool until nearly Halloween), and I've got both radishes and carrots planted - and the radishes have already sprouted.

The plan is to plant snap peas, turnips, parsnips, and carrots as we move into autumn. If I can serve home-grown vegetables at Thanksgiving, I will be very excited!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekend Wind-Up

Sad news: my favorite local yarn shop, Mirage Fiber Arts, closed down earlier this month. Now I'm stuck with online shopping for most of my favorite yarns.
On the upside, I purchased an inkle loom on clearance. And I've already started weaving. And I'm learning that I have plenty of room for improvement.
First weaving project
I took a weaving class in high school, so it's not as though this is completely new to me. But sophomore year was twenty-two years ago. And although all three use yarn, weaving is a lot different than knitting or crochet.
Still, I'm enjoying this. 
Yes, it's patriotic.
In crochet news, I'm making progress on my Doors of Durin filet project. It's the project bag attached to the stroller, so it goes with me to drop-off/pick-up C from preschool. 

And I finished this gorgeous shawl! The pattern is Over the Willamette by Jenn Wolfe Kaiser, the yarn is from Forbidden Woolery - the "Veiled Scandal" colorway I picked up at Vogue Knitting Live. It uses almost two skeins (I really should just weigh this and figure out exactly how much). Oh, wait. The scale is right next to my computer...173g, so 1.73 skeins.
 The details on this are just so pretty!

There's also this pair of socks that I promised for one of my friends. I finished one sock, I've turned the heel on this one, and now I'm panicking a bit because the color stripes aren't going to match on the leg. I really hope my friend loves these being hand-knit just for them enough to overlook the imperfection.

So, pretty good weekend. How was yours?